
On lessons learned building software, SaaS and Teams

Will has worked in Software and Systems design for almost 20 years. Starting out in pipeline robotics and mining electronics he moved onto building enterprise software for defence before he built the first off shore engineering office for Orion Health in Canberra, Australia in 2010 and then again in Scottsdale, Arizona before joining Atlassian in 2015. Since then he has been leading the team building the Identity platform that powers their cloud products. It’s been a journey of lessons learned, late nights managing incidents and sweating the details on systems that deal with 10^10 requests a week at >99.999% uptime and 99th percentile latencies of sub 20ms.

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On Monoliths to Microservices and Technology choices

The move to microservices promises teams higher levels of autonomy than ever. Will explores where that helps, but also where leaders need to provide guidance on optimising for the team today, vs the team tomorrow.

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